Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The truth is- Sometimes when I'm wearing my glasses I forget they aren't sunglasses and that people can see me if I roll my eyes. And if I wear them outside I have to resist the urge to push them on top of my head, like sunglasses, when I walk inside. I wonder if I'll ever get over this.

The truth is- I finally figured out what my favorite food is. Cereal. Any kind. Which brings me to my next truth. . . .

The truth is- One time I ate bugs. It was the day Andrew left, I was watching a movie, eating some cereal and I looked down to see those little weevils in my bowl of raisin bran. Some were dead. Some were alive and crawling to safety on the sides of the bowl. Of course by the time I noticed half my cereal was gone. I immediately threw up. Then cried. But the crying was probably due to the fact I was super sad Andrew was leaving and was watching The World Trade Center (movie). I was put off cereal for a long time after that.

The truth is- A lot of the "big shot artists" that the world and a lot of people like, I don't like. Like Madonna. Or U2. Or Metallica. Don't like any of them. Kind of think they are overrated. Sorry.

The truth is- I've had so much peanut butter in the last few months that if you cut me I'd probably bleed peanut butter. Creamy style.

The truth is- Sometimes Patrick and I have "sleep-over night". Sleep-over night is when we flip our pillows down to the foot of the bed and switch spots. Sometimes you just sleep better when your in a new different position on your bed. And it always feels so strange to sleep flipped around! It's like your sleeping in someone else's bed. Hence the name "sleep-over night".

The truth is- No one has made any comments about Preston's hair in awhile. Comments like "oh red hair, he must have a temper" or "oh red hair he's going to be stubborn". I'm very glad about this. Because neither he or I have are stubborn or have a temper with our red hair. And now I've jinxed it.

1 comment:

Krissa said...

I am with you....not a huge fan of Madonna, or U2, or Metallica. I am trying to think of more who would fall into the genre...but cant.

"sleep over night" what a good idea...also funny! haha

oh my gosh...i ate those little worms in my cereal before was so grandma had brought us over a lot of food a long time ago and Zach and i were eating some cereal one morning...we thought it tasted weird...but kept eating until we looked close and saw those little wormy things...UGH so gross!!! haha...