Monday, May 10, 2010

SUPER fast weekend! But still managed to squeeze in:

Mothers Day picnic @ the park w/ Patrick's family * potato salad! * more birthday gifts (yay!) * the best episode of "Community" EVER * Preston sleeping 10 1/2 hrs Saturday night * Talking Krissa out of climbing that mountain * super filling omelets * cleaning * Patricks bow breaking (and cutting his nose. sad.) * cars that want to quit * naps!! * Dreams about Cardinals players dying * Jacob and the Techno-colored Dreamcoat sing-a-longs * Titanic * TALKING TO ANDREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Church & good times with our Sunday School class * Patricks dad spending the afternoon with us Saturday * Fantastic cheeseburgers * Land of the Lost * a baby who refused to nap * My first mothers day * reading * scrabble


Krissa said... really did not take a whole lot of talking out of...all you had to do was mention it...haha...
OMG you got to talk to could i forget...texting you know and asking how it went...haha

Krissa said...

p.s. i missed not having a "held preston" in my weekend update and a "visited with jessica" this week will be different!!! i cant wait!!!!