Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday's Guilty Pleasure Song

It's no secret I love boybands. And back in the late 90's, early 00's there were 2 major ones. Backstreet Boys and *Nsync. Believe it or not they were both very different. I would know, i loved/love both. But todays Guilty Pleasure song comes from *Nsync, back when they were in their prime.
"Bye Bye Bye"

I just watched this video, and know what I remembered?
Justin's middle name is Randall.
Chris looks much better wtihout the dreadlocks.
Joey's favorite color was ox blood red.
JC was on Mickey Mouse club w/ Justin, Britney, and Xtina
Lance use to date Topanga from Boy Meets World.
I remember so much about them! But mostly I remember how much I loved this song (and the making of the video!)
Even Preston likes it when I sing it to him on our walks. . .
Its just good happy music.

1 comment:

Krissa said...

haha...oh i LOVE Nsync...oh the memories...LOVED Justin....i do agree Chris looked WAY better with dreadlocks. Good choice...good choice!!!