Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Preston's 3 Months!!

Today Preston is 3 months old. He's marked the occasion by throwing up in his own face and pooping out of his diaper. He sure does know how to party.
Preston 365 blog is going well, its harder then I thought it would be, but so worth it to see how he's grown over the past month. I weighed him on the Wii Fit this morning, and it said he's about 13 pounds. Sounds about right. In honor of him being 3 months I thought I'd write some things about him (in 3's of course)!

3 Things about Preston’s. . . .


1. Yep, he’s still got that red hair…and his eyes are still a bluish gray.
He’s wearing 3-6 mo shirts/onesies and newborn pants. All his height is in his torso, just like his dad. Glad he didn’t get my short t-rex arms.
3. I clip his nails once a week, but have never had to clip his toenails.


1.He eats 5 oz every 4 hours and doesn't leave a drop behind.
2. Still has issues with projectile vomit. Lucky for us he only does it about once a week. Last week in happened in the greeting card isle of Target.
3. Only has 1 bottle. Maybe that’s strange. But it forces us to keep it clean and not have dirty bottles everywhere! Of course when you lose the cap to it, you wish you had more bottles. (Why was it under my bed?!?)

Sleep Habits

1. Sleeps from 10-6am every night. Took a few weeks to train him, but now he’s settled into that routine.
2. Will only sleep long periods of time if he is swaddled like a burrito. With summer approaching I don’t know if he will keep this up, he’s already getting a heat rash.
3. His favorite position to be rocked to sleep in is with his head on my left arm facing towards me with my right arm patting his back while my left hand holds his pacifier in. Usually he’ll grab on to my collar with his left hand but sometimes latches on to a necklace or hair. As long as he is holding onto something he’s happy.

Favorite songs to sing

1. Step-in Time- from Mary Poppins. And yes he does dance moves
2. I’m so glad when Daddy comes home
3. The Wheels on the bus

Favorite past times

1. Going outside and watching the wind chime. He gets even more excited when I reach his hand up and he makes the noise happen. He doesn’t like wind though.
2. BBQ-ing with Patrick. They will go out together and Patrick will explain to him what he’s cooking, how to cook it and season it and Preston will just sit and listen.
3. Doing Jabba the Hut impersonations, and shooting lightning at people like the Emperor does in Star Wars (with help from his daddy). I keep telling him that it’s not nice to shoot lightning at his mom, but he can probably tell the force is strong with me.

Quirky things

1. He sticks his tongue out a lot. Sometimes it looks like he’s tasting the air. And anything that gets near his mouth he’ll try to reach with his tongue.
2. If he has a dirty diaper he’ll “sound the alarm” by making squeaking noises. Sounds like a squeaky toy for a dog! As soon as you change him he stops the noise. I as his mother think he’s brilliant. Even when he makes the noise during church.
3. He likes to eat with his socks off. He’ll just sit and eat while resting and rubbing his feet on my arm.

1 comment:

Krissa said...

HAHA....oh i loved reading this...made me laugh out loud at work...yup...it has got to be so so convenient that he lets you know when he needs to be changed...that has got to be awesome!!!!
oh and projectile vomiting... gotta love that...
dang i cant believe he is 3 months old!