The Truth is- The last 2 times that we have had to use Tarter Sauce I have called it Tater-Tot Sauce. Not on purpose. On accident. Even typing this up I typed Tater Tot instead of Tarter sauce. What the heck would tater tot sauce even be?! Ketchup??
The Truth is- I've never liked David Letterman. I don't know why. I don't think it's because of his gap'd front teeth, or his annoying music guy who wears the itty bitty glasses. I think it's just because he's not funny.
The Truth is- I found out earlier this week that Beyonce turned 29 at the beginning of this month. Which means that from the end of April until now her and I were the same age. I'm the same age as Beyonce?!?! Let me explain this a little better . . . .

The Truth is- I found out earlier this week that Beyonce turned 29 at the beginning of this month. Which means that from the end of April until now her and I were the same age. I'm the same age as Beyonce?!?! Let me explain this a little better . . . .

The Truth is- When it comes to important major sporting events I'm not allowed to watch them. I'm kinda bad luck. I blame myself completely for the Cardinals losing the Superbowl. You see, they were winning and I was upstairs in my room listening to everyone go crazy, and then I came downstairs because I figured it was safe. It wasn't safe at all. All of the sudden things took a turn for the worse and we ended up losing. Sorry Kurt Warner. My bad. At the same time, I'm partly responsible for the Diamondbacks winning the world series! I was in a different room, and had to keep my back turned to the tv, so I didn't see the winning home run, but I heard it. Your welcome Arizona. Your welcome.
umm...best truth is... i love it...
and sad that the superbowl was your fault...dont tell Kurt... that would be bad...poor poor Kurt... and on the same note thanks for the DBacks win... im glad you figured this out now...
i am now trying to think of a good tater tot sauce... im stumped...
you make me laugh. and that;s the truth:)Shauna
love it!!
The last "The Truth is" was so good i had to join your klan. I am still laughing about it cause its SO TRUE!!!! Don't curse the Cardinals this year!!
I'm laughing so hard I might wake up the kid's...crap...Stop Diane!! STOP!!!
haha oh my gosh. Krissa's correct. Best one ever!!! Beyonce's so young???? Uh depressing. And way to go with making the Cards lose. And also, way to go with making the Dbacks win!
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