Saturday, September 25, 2010

Did you know that I have another blog?
Well BESIDES Preston365.
It's one I contribute to with some other lovely ladies called "Oh Snap".
It's a blog where we post crafts/recipes/and other projects to.
(Which reminds me we need to update it with some recent projects.......)
But now you know!

Now that you know I should tell you Oh Snaps is having a giveaway.
You can enter now till the end of the month to win a $45 gift card to a place called CSN Stores.

That store has everything.
And $45 buys a lot of goodies.
Especially with the holidays coming up.
Or you could just buy something for this guy

All you need to do is click HERE, and you can enter the giveaway.

I suppose I should tell you that Krissa is also doing a giveaway on her site for a gift card for $35. Although by telling you this I decrease my chances of winning....

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