Monday, October 18, 2010

FRIDAY- after a week of company everyone left & boy were things quiet * "I am Number Four" (its a book. Its a GOOD book) * Girls night!! * Banana cake, guacamole, quiche, basically all deliciousness * MOW - its pronounced like now but with an M. Not Mow like some people (me) thought. Fun game though! * Finding the lost pacifier * Patrick watching scary movies with Eliott (since I can't watch them with him) * Start of watching When in Rome (ehhh...I wont watch the rest of it. )

SATURDAY- *Community garage sale!!! Got Preston some things for Christmas like some books & a speak-n-say. shhhh don't tell him! Also got him a walker that seems to be possessed b/c it on several ocassions it will make noise & then not shut off or make the noise when I press the buttons. Hence the batteries were taken out * Finishing "I am Number Four" (you should read it b/c there is a movie coming out soon) * Barros * Patrick cutting a pumpkin in half with his sword so that I could make some pumpkin puree "I thought it tasted a little like sword...." * Making the puree and feeling like a pioneer woman * Pumpkin Gingersnap Caramel Cheesecake. Yup. * Watching a National Geographic special on Tornado's with the hubs. Saturday night and we're home watching national geographic specials. Sad!! *

SUNDAY- * Watched a few episodes of Bones * Chopped things up for the dinner we would be having * Church* Patrick's dad came over for a delicious buttery dinner of - Marlboro Man Sandwiches, Resturant style smashed potatoes & The cheesecake * An extremely tired Preston. He was up from 1:15pm-8pm * More Bones, but this time I fell asleep. I wonder how that episode ends . . . .

This week not much is going on: Dr's appt for PRex, grocery shopping, Bruce, chores (blehhhh) and perhaps a craft day Saturday!!

1 comment:

Krissa said...


haha....girls night was fun... and i am glad you found that it ended up over there, not sure..

umm...i want that food.. sounds so so good!!!! seriously you are amazing for making your own puree... thats the most random thing that kept poping up in my head..."but Jessica made her own pumpkin puree"...

a special on tornados that would of brought nightmares...for sure!

i wish i could join your craft day :( ysa activity... bleh... i need to make a topiary!!!! gah!!!