Monday, July 16, 2012


There's an App (for phones) called Instagram that I have been semi obsessed with lately, and so if you don't follow me on there, here is a peak of what I've been snapping/sharing pictures of.....
(and if you do follow me and happen to read my blog sorry for the rerun)

Preston picking out the frozen corn to eat.


"There's Baby Jesus. There's Baby Jaxton".
Sorry kid, its all Baby Preston.

Trying to decide what to paint the laundry room...

Peach/blueberry cobbler for dinner.
And maybe breakfast the next morning.... 

Red head Bed head

Staying hydrated.

Guess who he's going to be for Halloween ?!?!?!?!!

Working on finger foods.
On todays menu: puffs & avocados.
With a side of smiles. 

I made my own laundry soap!!! This really should get its own post... BUT...
If you want to learn how to do it go HERE .
Next up, making homemade dish washing detergent. 

He looks so good in green... 

"No one understands me like you do" 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need to follow you on instagram!!! These are awesome! And I've heard of the homemade laundry soap, I'll have to ask you about it!