Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Truth is- When The Green Lantern comes out and everyone is all goo-goo ga-ga over Ryan Reynolds I'm pretty sure I'm going to go around telling people I'm related to him. "Oh cousin Ryan? Ya he's alright." Consider yourself warned.

The Truth is- This conversation actually happened last week & caused me to laugh till I cried.

Patrick: I see you added a movie to our Netflix dvd que. What was it again, "Rene's Mouse Adventures"?
Me: You mean Ramona & Beezus?!
Patrick: Yeah, same thing.
Me: How does Ramona & Beezus become Rene's Mouse Adventures?!?!?!
Patrick: Well I read it and thought about how we had a cat named Ramona, so then I thought about cats chasing mice, and I couldn't remember the name but new it started with an R, and if it's about mice its sure to be an adventure. Rene's Mouse Adventure.
Me: Is Rene the mouse or is Rene a girl who as adventures with mice?
Patrick: She's the girl.
Me: That actually does sound like a movie I'd rent. . . I also added Charlie St. Cloud.
Patrick: Who's in that one again?
Me: Hottie superbomb Zac Efron.
Patrick: Oh ya. I was thinking it was that other cute guy. Whats his name again? Charlie Chaplin?
Me: Charlie Chaplin?!?! The black and white silent movie actor?!?!
Patrick: no.. thats not it... Oh! Channing Tatum! I always want to call him Charlie Tantrum.

At this point I was laughing so much I couldn't breath & may have fallen off the couch. Man we have good times!!!


Krissa said...

I tell people I am related to Barbara Walters...well because I am... and they believe me!

Oh that conversation...hahaha...seriously laughing out loud...and I already heard the conversation...hahahaha...
oh Charlie Tantrum!

Shay said...

HAHAHA! I tell people im related to julia roberts all the time!! HAHA!

Wow you guys crack me up with that convo. Super funny!!

David and Natalie Reheis said...

Hahaha oh my gosh I am dying laughing!!!!