The Truth is- When The Green Lantern comes out and everyone is all goo-goo ga-ga over Ryan Reynolds I'm pretty sure I'm going to go around telling people I'm related to him. "Oh cousin Ryan? Ya he's alright." Consider yourself warned.
The Truth is- This conversation actually happened last week & caused me to laugh till I cried.
Patrick: I see you added a movie to our Netflix dvd que. What was it again, "Rene's Mouse Adventures"?
Me: You mean Ramona & Beezus?!
Patrick: Yeah, same thing.
Me: How does Ramona & Beezus become Rene's Mouse Adventures?!?!?!
Patrick: Well I read it and thought about how we had a cat named Ramona, so then I thought about cats chasing mice, and I couldn't remember the name but new it started with an R, and if it's about mice its sure to be an adventure. Rene's Mouse Adventure.
Me: Is Rene the mouse or is Rene a girl who as adventures with mice?
Patrick: She's the girl.
Me: That actually does sound like a movie I'd rent. . . I also added Charlie St. Cloud.
Patrick: Who's in that one again?
Me: Hottie superbomb Zac Efron.
Patrick: Oh ya. I was thinking it was that other cute guy. Whats his name again? Charlie Chaplin?
Me: Charlie Chaplin?!?! The black and white silent movie actor?!?!
Patrick: no.. thats not it... Oh! Channing Tatum! I always want to call him Charlie Tantrum.
At this point I was laughing so much I couldn't breath & may have fallen off the couch. Man we have good times!!!
I tell people I am related to Barbara Walters...well because I am... and they believe me!
Oh that conversation...hahaha...seriously laughing out loud...and I already heard the conversation...hahahaha...
oh Charlie Tantrum!
HAHAHA! I tell people im related to julia roberts all the time!! HAHA!
Wow you guys crack me up with that convo. Super funny!!
Hahaha oh my gosh I am dying laughing!!!!
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