Monday, August 9, 2010

FRIDAY- Our house was transformed into the Hollow Tree where the Keebler Elves reside. I baked most of the day. First there were the oreo truffles. Then salsa (btw the recipe and other craft projects as of late are posted HERE). Then Chocolate Chip cookies. Then Peanut Butter cookies. Then finishing the Oreo truffles. Whew! But it was fun. All the baking was for the party we had that night with our Sunday School class. We really like those kids. They came over, we ordered too much Little Ceasers Pizza, played some Guitar Hero, played some Mario Kart, and then I showed them all how good I am at Apples to Apples. Like really good! They left and I chatted with Krissa for awhile Then as Patrick is sick, we went to bed early. Preston wins the award for going to bed the earliest though with his time of 7:15.

SATURDAY- Strange day for Preston. He wasn't himself. Very lethargic in the AM, sleepy for the remainder of the day. Oh and don't forget about when he threw up his breakfast all over me. Poor kid. Nothing is worse then seeing your baby not feel good. But as the day progressed so did he. Eat, Pray, Love the book. But also did all 3 of those things this weekend. Good book though. Preston slept a lot, and Patrick was at work, so I spent a lot of time working on my mad Mario Kart skills. Which means I looked up shortcuts online. Patrick got home. Naps. Candy Graham consumption. Debates on old Eminem vs newer Eminem. Consensus- old Eminem sounds like a chipmunk, new Eminem is more mature sounding. Reception. Arrested Development. Bed.

SUNDAY- Lazy Sunday morning. Did I mention how Sat/Sun and even today Mon Preston has slept in till around 7:30. He must really love me. Play time with the Preston. Texting. Church. Emailing Andrew. Chats w/ the boys. Count of Monte Cristo. Looking at old family pictures and talking about what a cute kid I was.

Things to look forward to this week: Patrick feeling better. Babysitting for a friend on Wed. Dinner at the MIL's. Craft time Saturday. Visits w/ Krissa. Preston working more on his crawling. Preston turning 7 mo (CRAZY!!!). Getting back to the gym after a lazy week.

1 comment:

Krissa said...

hahaha....oh a keebler elf so true!!! oh man that food was good!!! and can i just say how happy i am that you had leftovers... i was more than happy to take those off your hands... haha...
im glad The Preston is doing better...i bet that is scary and worrysome when he is not himself. I am sure glad he is letting you sleep in that is sure nice of him!
oh... this week will be intersting! i am looking forward to making these flowers!!!!
I love that you were practcing your mad skills at mario kart...we should have a Wii party someday... although i know you dont like entertaining...but in this case wouldnt the wii be the one entertaining...haha...but someday we shall do that... someday when i can bring a date... haha

and i hope Patrick is feeling better!!!!