Friday, July 11, 2014

Chuck E. Cheese

Let me tell you a story.
One day we decided to go to Costco & promises were made of "if you are good we can get pizza to eat when we are done." And they were good. And then we checked out and looked up and the food court at Costco was CLOSED. Not just closed but under construction for the next 3 days. What bad timing!! Pizza had been promised and when pizza is promised we can't just NOT have pizza! The next closest pizza place was Chuck E. Cheese. Needless to say the boys weren't too heartbroken over the change in plans. 

Jaxton wasn't too happy at first because...well he's two. He doesn't need a reason to be cranky. 

My love. Hey Patrick, remember how I told you my pictures seemed to be blurry lately? This is what I mean.

After lunch where they magically weren't that hungry anymore they each had a small amount of tokens to use on the games. Best thing about Chuck E. Cheese is that all the games take 1 token. Not like Peter Piper Pizza where some games take up to 4. 

Jaxton and Preston each graciously donated 1 token each to Lucas so he could do some things. Truth is they still don't know they donated a token... Thats what happens when Daddy holds your tokens! 

Preston played some game where he somehow won a lot of tickets. Patrick and I were both watching and have no idea why he got so many tickets as his score was not all too impressive. But he was excited that the tickets were as tall as him. 

And then Lucas and I used his other token to have a seat and take a picture together. Had to have a souvenir of his very first Chuck E. Cheese trip! 

1 comment:

Krissa said...

LOVE it!!!! and that is seriously BAD timing for Costco to do that… how rude!!! Man one of their polish hot dogs sure sound good!!!