2014 is almost over (already?!/finally!) and I thought we should do a recap of our year! The year started out REALLY hard & was even dubbed "the year of the tubes" but we survived and are stronger then ever- physically, mentally and spiritually.
Patrick is enjoying his last year in his 20's- lest we forget he is 3 years younger then I am & he loves it. But soon he will know what it's like to enter your 30's! He is still working at Go Daddy and in March switched from working graveyard shift as a supervisor over to a day shift on the Premier Services team. Thank goodness! Those 8 months he worked nights were rough on us all. In the middle of the year he was released as a counselor in Elders Quorum and put in as Elders Quorum president. El Presidente is enjoying the calling & doing great in it. He still makes the best jerky in all the land & if you ask nicely he'll make you some just how you like it. He had his turn with "year of the tubes" when he had an outpatient procedure this year to have some nasal polyps removed. He can breath a lot better now which is always a plus. He works so hard for our family & we love him so much for it. The boys all adore him & from the second he gets home someone is demanding his attention.

Preston turned 4 in January and immediately started asking when he would turn 5. 16 days btw. He went back to preschool with the same teacher as last year Ms. Claire and loves it. He's kindergarten ready & is looking forward to going to the big kids school and eating lunch there. He had tubes put in his ears in March after countless ear infections & they seemed to help. We will be going to the ENT in January to discuss getting his tonsils out to possibly help with all the strep/allergy/ear issues he has. He was in Sunbeams this year which means he did his first talk in church & participated in his first primary program. He was a big hit during the program & lots of people commented on how funny he was.
He is always coming up with funny phrases, like saying his nose has a shield when it's stuffy & confusing the words overcast with flabbergast. He went through a lot of phases this year- power rangers, angry birds, big hero 6 & is currently into Pokemon. He's a bit of a homebody (like his parents) but asks to go to a fun places like the movie theatre for popcorn or the phoenix childrens museum often. He wants so badly to be big and do things big kids & his dad does, in fact one of his favorite things to do is have a late night with his daddy playing video games- which he is really good at!

Oh Jaxton. Our daily emotional roller coaster. If being 2 is hard you should see what its like being 3. Jaxton started working with AZEIP (az early intervention program) for his speech delay and then in November when he turned 3 started at the same school Preston goes to. He even has the same teacher! He LOVES going to school which is great. He became potty trained early in the year which was nice to only have 1 in diapers again! After some weird glucose issues- peeing alllllll the time, like 6 times a night, endless thirst, almost passing out in the mornings we had some blood work done and discovered he's hypoglycemic. How much better life has become now that we know he functions better with some juice right when he wakes up.
He's definitely our outside boy & isn't too interested in tv/movies and such which is fine. We predict he will be the first to break a bone since he is so all over the place and fearless. He starts Sunbeams in January and that will be interesting. But as long as they have snacks I think he will be happy!
Lucas had a rough rough year. Poor baby had 3 brain surgeries in 3 months. Lucky for him since they placed the internal subdural to paritaniel shunt he's been doing really really well. So far he hasn't showed any major delays from the issues he had. He is working with AZEIP also to make sure there aren't any developmental delays and he's great. Of course my kid who had brain surgeries is my fastest walker/crawler/best eater. He is showing speech delays already, but that runs in the family.
Lucas had a rough rough year. Poor baby had 3 brain surgeries in 3 months. Lucky for him since they placed the internal subdural to paritaniel shunt he's been doing really really well. So far he hasn't showed any major delays from the issues he had. He is working with AZEIP also to make sure there aren't any developmental delays and he's great. Of course my kid who had brain surgeries is my fastest walker/crawler/best eater. He is showing speech delays already, but that runs in the family.

Lucas did the most growing this year I think, as a baby will do. He learned to sit up, stand, crawl, walk, run, turned 1, got 6 teeth, knows a handful of words he knows and is just a chatterbox trying to repeat everything he hears. Besides eggs there isn't a food he doesn't like. He ADORES his brothers and is the instigator for most of the wrestling matches that happen around here. He has the most infectious smile. Hopefully this next year we have less doctor visits for him and just as many smiles.
Other things that happened this year that we enjoyed:
Dress like a cow day at Chik-fil-a, Phoenix Childrens Museum, Pump it Up, 4th of July festivities, Splash pad, Temple open house, awesome Halloween costumes, the chance to serve others, Az State Fair, new fridge, Thanksgiving with family, 6 year wedding anniversary!, playing outside, Golfland, Swimming, Getting a dog (Louie), Park trips, playing games, making forts.
Seems like there is never enough time in the day but the time we have we try to enjoy.
Happy New Year!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!
1 comment:
They are some happy kids! I think you should take a picture of Jaxton before juice in the morning, during and after so we can see the spectrum of emotion.
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