Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Crunching Numbers

So here's a look at some of the numbers for this pregnancy

107 : The number of day's I've been pregnant so far

437,987 : The approximate number of times I've thrown up. Seriously it's been bad. Worse then with Preston. I'm talking 5-6 times a day for a few weeks and then tapering off to 1-4 times a day for a few weeks.

1 3/4: The longest stretch of day's I've gone WITHOUT throwing up.

4: The number of times I've been to the doctor so far. It's more then normal, but then again I worry more then normal and my doctor knows that so he's very accommodating.

2: The number of anti-nausea pills that have been prescribed for me. 1 I can take every 8 hrs the other every 6 hrs.

4: The number of ultrasounds we've had so far. Plus another in a few weeks when we find out the big question: boy or girl.

6: About the number of Lemon Heads I eat a day to keep to pukies away.

1: The number of Dr. Peppers I limit myself to a week. This is hard.

0: The number of dreams I've had so far about this baby. With Preston I dreamed all the time about him. Of course in those dreams he was a girl...... But still!

2: The number of boy names we have it narrowed down to.

1: The number of girl names we have it narrowed down to.

100: The number of ounces of water I'm suppose to drink a day.

60: The number of ounces of water I realistically drink a day.

9: The number of pills I take every night. 1-Prenatal 1- Calcium 1-Iron 1- Folic Acid 1- Omega 3 4- Vitamin D pills.

80: How old I feel after I take 9 pills a day.

173: The number of days left till our due date!


Krissa said... wow...
yeah i would feel like a old fart too... haha...
i really hope the throwing up stops ... and like SOON... that is seriously NO FUN!!!!

Samantha said...

Wow, I did not know you throw up that much! That stinks. Do those anti-nausea pills help?

Jessica/Patrick said...

Sometimes the pills work. If I take one when I start to think I'm getting nauseus then they work better then me taking one when I'm full blown feeling gross. It is getting better though. I'm just waiting for that 2nd trimester burst of energy I keep reading about!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get it!! I can't wait until you're feeling better. And I can't wait until we know the sex/name :D

David and Natalie Reheis said...

I can't wait to see you on Saturday.

Shay said...

Man thoes are alot of statistics! But you forgot one.. Remember all the hot dogs you were eating!!?