Thursday, March 3, 2011

A day late, but better then nothing!

The Truth is- the other night I had the best dream ever. I was sitting at a table with Britney Spears talking about Glee. Awesome. It was then followed by a not so great dream involving someone wearing jeggings who should NEVER wear jeggings and white ankle boots. Yikes.

The Truth is- Every time Patrick uses the word aggravated it makes me think of Agraba. You know, that place when Aladdin was from. Then in my mind I start singing Aladdin songs.

The Truth is- Whenever I have a book on hold at the library I like to look at what other people with my last name have on hold. For example, Fionna Roberts (b/c my library card is in my maiden name) is very interested in real life ghost stories. She'd probably be interested in the story of how my Phantom of the Opera music box is possessed.

The Truth is- The other night I was sitting on the couch reading, and I had my phone laying on that space between my neck and my shoulder (b/c I didn't have pockets) and when it vibrated I jumped and screamed a little (causing Patrick to jump also) because I thought it was a bumble bee. Scary!!

The Truth is- When most people watched the documentary Super Size Me about how horrible McDonalds food is they were put off McDonalds for life. Me, I had to pause the movie just so I could go get me some McDonalds before finishing it.

The Truth is- I'm pretty sure one time I counted to a million. I remember I was young and my Dad told me I had to take a nap and I wasn't tired and so he told me if I counted to a million and was still awake I could get up. I distinctly remember getting to a million! However I just looked it up and it would take about 6 days 22hrs 40 minutes to reach a million. Maybe I just reached 1,000.


Krissa said...

hahahaha... i really dont know anyone that should wear jeggings... just wear jeans people...please...

truth is... i think you have this HUGE fear of bees... just saying...

i havent seen supersize me... i am ok with that...


i totally understand and get that thought process... go aladdin!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha....I love how your mind works! I remember one night I could have sworn I did a 1,000 crunches with my friend who was spending the night...but then I probably was only a 100.