Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just so you know. . . .

Just so you know:

* Preston is now 11 weeks old and awesome. Even when he's crying. Like right now.

* Patrick and I joined a "Biggest Loser" group with Jen & Eliott. We're 3 weeks in and so far I've lost 11 pounds and Patricks lost 9. My weight loss has come from a strict diet and lots of long walks. Patricks has come from...I don't know, maybe wishing it away?!

* Andrew is off on his Mission. He's almost 1 week in. We got our first letter from him Saturday. He say's the days are long, the food is good, his companion is weird. Basically a typical life in the MTC.

* Preston is smiling all the time. He's such a flirt and smiles at all the girls, especially Krissa.

* As of today I no longer work at The University of Phoenix. As of today I am officially a stay at home mom!

* We hate taxes.

* We have the cutest little red headed boy EVER. Don't believe me? Take a look at this picture:

And in case that one doesn't convince you I present Exhibit B:

I rest my case.


Krissa said...

I LOVE his smiles!!!! They are the best, and he is a total flirt...haha....i cant believe he is 11 weeks old...
and awesome for joining a biggest loser group....and 11 freakin lbs...that is GREAT!!!!!!!! i hate how boys just sit there and lose weight...BOO HISS!!! haha....
who doesnt hate taxes? but i can understand why you would hate them! stupid government.
and i believe he is the cutest red head!!
{wow long comment...sorry}

Krissy said...

11 lbs!! Wow, that's awesome!!

And your little one Preston is adorable! He has the greatest smile!

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

CONGRATS on the weight loss! And congrats at being a a full time only mommy!!! :)