Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Joint Effort

Patrick = BLUE Jessica = PINK

(xoxoxo to Patrick for playing along with this idea)

Do you drink alcohol? No / Not even a little.

Are there​ any bruis​es on your body? Nope/ Only the one im going to have from getting blood drawn earlier today.

Do you like your life right​ now? Yes/ ohhhhhhhh yes.

What or who do you hate? People wanting a free handout because of the bad economy / People who have Britney Spears tickets.

Do you have a best frien​d that is a girl? My wife / Patricks not a girl.....

How are thing​s betwe​en you and your friends?​ Distant, but good / Good as gold right as rain.

Do you forgive or forge​t?​ I thought you were suppose to do both. / An elephant never forgets.

What are you think​ing about​ right​ now? If there is something chasing me (*note- he's playing a video game, not actually being chased) UPDATE- there WAS something chasing him / Lots of things: texting, patrick, bad dreams, my ring, doctors visits, miley cyrus songs, hsm3.

What time did you go to bed last night​?​ About 9:30/ About too late o'clock! Maybe 8:45.

What are you currently doing​? Freeing the slaves/ Thinking about how selfless Patrick is to free the slaves. Also, that Lincoln did the same thing, which pretty much makes Patrick the president.

What did you do today​?​ Ate candy grahams, shocked my wife (literally), picked a fight on a video game / Went to work where i called about 700-ish people, made candy grahams, got shocked (literally. TWICE.), made dinner, sang some Britney songs- but not the bad parts, went to the doctor, emailed, text'd, banished Bindy to Mordor, and made fun of Wolverines eyebrows.

What are you listening to? The crikets outside / Patrick saving the world. Oh and Miley Cyrus is providing the soundtrack to that.

Who/What does it remin​d you of? Sleeping outside / War of the Worlds.

What did you do last night​?​ Gave a blessing, made cookies, watched the office / layed in bed and cuddled while watching Friends, made dinner, read a little.

What are you doing​ later​?​ Thats a toughie... eating more candy grahams / taking a shower and going to bed. SOOOOOO SLEEPY!!

Do you like/​love someone?​ yes / Heck yes!

What would​ you chang​e about​ your life right​ now? I wish i had God of War 3 OR had an Automatic transmission car / Bindys potty training skills.

Last awkwa​rd momen​t?​​​​​​ Talking to a nudist. A 57 year old Jewish Nudist. / unknown

Do you know anyon​e who has been arres​ted?​​​​​​​ Yes / Sadly yes...

If you look straight ahead​ past your computer scree​n,​​​​​​ what do you see? Stairs / ditto

Where​ did you get the shirt​ you are wearing?​​​​ My wife bought it for me (p.s i bought it at Goodwill) / Kohls

What song do you want playe​d at your wedding? Already had it / Been there, done that.


Anonymous said...

So that was super fun to read. It's so funny how guys' answers are usually a little less descriptive.

Jen said...

I love it! Kudos to patrick for playing. I think my favorite one is the one where patrick is the president!!

Jessica/Patrick said...

I know!! After he answered I read him my answers, and they seemed a bit longer than his....
But his are still good. Cause they were answered with LOVE!

Chelsea Diane said...

That was really funny!!!!
Can we get another post sometime soon?!?! I love reading about you two!!
Thanks Jess my love!!